Don't make it difficult for your Mind!

If you are doing an online meeting, the typical tendency is to open a few more tabs to check email or news or social sites. Or open the Mobile and check notifications. We may do these things when things are apparently boring in the call or someone is speaking/presenting and we don't have to listen etc. The downnside to this is that the Mind by nature is restless and by making it hop to many things during the meeting we make it more restless. Better we focus fully on the meeting. Work by itself can give some pleasure if done with concentration at a stretch. These days however we do most work with distractions and in intervals - result is that at the end of the day we feel tired and never feel pleasure with Work.
Better focus at a stretch on whatever you are doing. One verse from the Gita throws some light.

चञ्चलं हि मनः कृष्ण प्रमाथि बलवद्दृधम्। तस्याहं निग्रहं मनये वयोरिव सुदुष्करम् ॥ 6.34 ॥
The mind is restless, turbulent, obstinate and very strong, O Kṛṣṇa, and to subdue it, I think, is more difficult than controlling the wind.

Hare Krishna.