Search for happiness

An estimated 1380000000 (138 Crore) Indians will venture out today -- all in search of happiness.
An estimated 3 Crore dogs also will venture out today -- in search of happiness.
An estimated 26 Crore Pigeons will also venture out today -- in search of happiness.
Add to this list ants, cockroaches, crows, mosquitoes -- a total of 80 lakh species all in search of happiness.

And primarily the search for happiness will be in things and in people.

Irony -- this world is a certified place of misery. And yet 138 Crore humans search for that elusive happiness. The dog and cat have no option -- they cannot understand that the certification status of this world. But we humans know. And yet.

Bg. 8.15

कमामुपेत्य पुनर्जन्म दु:खालयमशाश्वतम् ।
नाप्‍नुवन्ति महात्मान: संसिद्धिं परमां गता: ॥ १५ ॥

mām upetya punar janma
duḥkhālayam aśāśvatam
nāpnuvanti mahātmānaḥ
saṁsiddhiṁ paramāṁ gatāḥ

Translation :
           After attaining Me, the great souls, who are yogīs in devotion, never return to this temporary world, which is full of miseries, because they have attained the highest perfection.